Friday, 2 June 2006

Topic selection for WAW - 14 June

Conducting an event, small or big has its own challenges. For this particular event "Topic Selection" has been the most difficult task so far. After a lot of elbow grease, I have arrived at these 4 topics for the event:

  1. Data proliferation: multiple sources, reports, and integration - Integrating with marketing and consumer data
  2. Segmenting for better understanding of customers, your website, usability, buying behavior, and everything else.
  3. Understanding business goals well enough to know what to measure; and connecting Web metrics to business key performance indicators
  4. Finding, hiring, and training qualified people on the correct use of Web analytics data (including training internal resources and team members on how to use the data to make decisions)
Thanks to Jim sterne, who had already articulated my thought process in one of his article's in "Clickz", that gave words to the topics that I had in mind.

My personal favorite is "Segmenting" (2) and "Data Proliferation" (1), one which is the topic that I will be working on and presenting in the Meet.

If any of you are interested in presenting any of the above mentioned topic or have any other interesting topic in mind, please get back to me at the earliest to help us prepare the agenda.

Looking forward to making this event a success and a forerunner to many more that would follow.